Monday, March 8, 2010

Well I must say that I was quite overwhelmed by the fact that someone actually was inspired by what I wrote to the point where they actually used it to motivate someone else, did I mind, not at all, I was ecstatic and I really hope that it made here consider coming to school. Well so far none of these deadheads in my family seem even the least bit impressed, I was so sure that my doing this would at least get somebody asking questions or least become curious, not so far, nobody even inquires as to how I am doing or anything, well I am determine to show them all that this can and will be done, and if these dunderheads do not get on the ball and try to get something going education wise that's their loss. I on the other hand will strive forward, I have very young children (my little girl Jesiah, my grandchildren and the little kids in the neighborhood) to set a good example for so I will not only do it for myself, I will do it for them, maybe that's why god put me here to inspire young minds to want to continue receiving a good education, I know some time I sound like I am up on a soap box expounding the value of a good sound schooling, but it us just that important to me. I should have done this long ago, and been the administrator, not the peon, but I figured better late than never, I can still accomplish my goal, my dream of working for and taking care of myself, I don't feel like in these days and times 60 is a very old person, so I can do work like Medical Transcriptionist until I'm 80. (LOL) Well I know if I live to be 80 and I can see and use my hands I will still be working, I know this because When I grow up I am going to be just like Ms. Elizabeth Read, and of course you want to know who is Ms. Elizabeth Read, well she is my role model, Ms. Read is an attorney, she works with people who are trying to get social security disability benefits. Ms. Read (this is an educated guess) I would say has to be about very late eighties, early nineties and still going strong, I met Ms. Read about 20 years ago, when she took my late husbands case he'd had a stroke, social security said he could do his work and denied his claim, we hired this lawyer (recommended by SS) to take his case to the administrative judge this is the last step before complete denial, she won the case in 15 minutes before the judge, I applied for disability in may was denied and went to the last step, remembered how she helped him some 20 yrs before and sure enough, she was still there going Strong only now her daughter works with her, and she became my lawyer. I was told that it might be up to three years before I would go before the judge, they won my Case in three months, I never even saw the judge, apparently like mother, like daughter. Well that amazed me, but nearly as much as seeing Ms, Read still hanging in there looking so much the same as when I first met her 20 years before and she remembered me and my husband and I know this because she described him to me. So that how she became my role model. Well I have chewed your ears off enough for now, so I'll save some for later.


  1. Hello Henrietta:

    Let me be the first to say that I am so proud of you returning to school to further your education. I am also very happy to hear that you have inspired someone else.

    I can relate to the woman whom you admire Ms. Read, I have a woman who I also admire not for going back to school but for just being herself and not caring what others think of her. Her name is Annie Mae and she is 97 years young. Believe me she is a force to be reckoned with, she still insist on wearing her heals and she is not afraid to tell you what she thinks of you either. Annie Mae is the woman who use to watch me as a little girl and then when I got married she is the person who made my gown and applied all of the beading by hand. I love her so much you have no idea.

    As regards to you and your family, even though they may not be asking you about your schooling, I'm sure they are curious about what you are learning and they may not want to pry. But, don't let anyone steal your thunder you keep your head up (and I know you will) and just keep moving forward, because there is someone besides myself who thinks that you are a strong and wonderful person and you will encourage many more people just by your actions.

  2. Hello Henrietta,

    You never know who you may influence or what affect you will have on someone's life. We all have to stay strong and positive for others (even if you suspect they might be dunderheads). :-)

    Often you will never know how others see you ever or at least not until later. Just be the best you can be and enjoy your life. When you reach 60 (as I did several years ago), you realize for sure you are not immortal and you may as well go for it and enjoy the ride.

  3. Oh my Henrietta, did you catch that spelling error in my post@!
